Letter of Introduction

Letter of introduction.
We know it is difficult, very difficult to deal with a challenge like the one affronting us today. To undertake a Cultural Change, a Global Social Transformation, requires clarity, firmness, and determination.
Gathering the “critical mass” necessary for the crystallization of this new Paradigm is a serious, arduous task. But it is also an adventure and an exciting challenge. In today’s world, so lacking in passion and novelty, the opportunity to actively experience the Adventure of Consciousness is a privilege and an honour.There are many fields to deal with simultaneously (education, economics, politics) - but they all require the same ingredient: Consciousness.Therefore, we in TTi invite you to participate in the Great Adventure of Our Time, to become a willing and conscious protagonist in the Paradigm Change. We are specialists in broadening vision and developing consciousness. We serve corporations, institutions and other organizations... that is, we serve the people who give them transcendence and identity.We are pleased to meet you. Welcome.

Rosana Agudo. General Manager.

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Blog TTi, Techonology for Inner Transformation by Rosana Agudo is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 España License.